Weight stigma in healthcare
Weight stigma in healthcare
A summary of weight stigma in healthcare and how this creates barriers for effective patient care.
How does weight stigma affect healthcare delivery?
In the healthcare setting, weight stigma negatively affects delivery of patient care.
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How does weight stigma affect patient care?
Examples of weight-stigmatizing communication in healthcare and its impact on patient care, along with strategies to mitigate these challenges.
Intersectional stigma
Why being aware of weight stigma among minoritized communities is important, including the need to consider the health risks and consequences of intersectional stigma.
A patient’s perspective of weight bias: Insights from Patty Nece
Patty describes what it is like to be a patient experiencing weight stigma in the healthcare setting.
How weight bias hinders healthcare: Observations from Dr. Jaime Almandoz, M.D.
A discussion with Dr. Jaime Almandoz, M.D., Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, & Division of Endocrinology, UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Guided self-reflection on weight stigma in healthcare
Become more aware of your views about body size, interactions with patients, and strategies for ongoing, reflective practice.
The impact of weight stigma on healthcare
The impact of weight stigma on healthcare, highlighting how weight biases in healthcare professionals negatively impact patient reactions and care.
Weight stigma reduces the quality of care for patients with high weight. Patients' experiences of stigma may leave them feeling judged, shamed, and misunderstood, leading to mistrust of healthcare professionals and even healthcare avoidance.1
Test your knowledge on weight stigma in healthcare
1. Phelan SM, et al. Obes Rev 2015;16(4):319–326.
References for individual resources can be found in the Resource Center.
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