Supportive healthcare
How can we improve healthcare for people of all body sizes?
Professor Puhl highlights how we can adapt our attitudes, language, and environment to provide satisfactory care.
Communicating with compassion and respect to dispel stigma
Learn what forms of communication to use (and avoid) for optimizing supportive conversations with patients.
Research shows that people with obesity are less likely to receive adequate healthcare.2 Healthcare professionals often find it difficult to broach the topic of weight with patients. As these conversations can leave patients feeling judged, shamed, and misunderstood, it’s important that healthcare professionals are well equipped to have supportive and respectful conversations with patients and provide a welcoming environment.
Test your knowledge on optimizing your environment.
Making language patient-centric
Professor Puhl shares ways to engage in supportive language when discussing weight-related health with patients.
How to explain obesity pathophysiology to patients and why this matters
Dr. Jaime Almandoz discusses how to talk with patients about the pathophysiology of obesity.
Motivational interviewing
How to use motivational interviewing, an evidence-based approach for guiding behavior change, with example scripts for patient interactions.
Reflective listening
How to use reflective listening strategies to improve the quality of your communication with patients of diverse body sizes.
Patient-centered language
A summary of how to use patient-centered language when talking about body weight.
Guided self-reflection on ways to engage in supportive and compassionate patient care
Two case scenarios offer opportunities to reflect on strategies to improve supportive patient care.
1. Puhl R, et al. Clin Diabetes 2016;34(1):44–50.
2. Rubino F, et al. Nature Medicine 2020;26:485–497.
References for individual resources can be found in the Resource Center.
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